Sunday, October 25, 2009

Many Thng happen in tis few day....

Thurs after class v suddenly plan wan go redbod...
so jz me. KC n Eena go nia...
den nothing special happen...

fri morning i gt class....
my class until 10 den after 10 i straight away go gurney cos im work...
when i reach gurney i oni noe tat the uniform is 2 small 4 me but i cn wear...
after few min i feel vr unhapi den i dun wan 2 work....
i keep on calling ppl n ask them wan work or nt...
i call until 12 smthng my fren say wan work den i frm gurney go until Sunshine Lip Sin fetch her den bring her go gurney again...
after tat i go sunshine Lip Sin again cos i go have lunch v Leslei.....
den i go Qbay find Tina tat all cos i vr unhapi...
around 4 lik tis i bring Zeol go cut hair....
i bring her go 2 shops 2 shops oso din open at last she din cut her hair...

Sat..... whole day at home until 5 smthng i go exercise at my house thr...
den 7 smthng me n my fren go find Leslie eat dinner cos i miss his house a Vegetarian 1 Bak Kut Teh... reli vr nice.... after tat v go Tesco....
Suddenly call me she ask us go out 4 drink, v go until 2smthng oni reach home....

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